
留学用海外旅行保険/Study Abroad InsuranceおよびOSSMA

留学用海外旅行保険/Study Abroad Insurance




  1. 本学が所管する大学間協定による派遣留学
  2. 本学の学部・研究科が所管する学部間協定による派遣留学
  3. 本学が所管するサマープログラム、スプリングプログラム、セメスタープログラム
  4. 本学が所管する「海外活動を伴う正課科目履修者に対する奨学金」が適用される留学
  5. 本学が所管する上記4.以外の正課科目での海外活動
  6. 本学が所管しない、個人で手配する語学留学・学部留学(休学留学も含む)
  7. 本学が所管しない、個人で手配する海外でのインターンシップ、ワーキングホリデー、ボランティアなど、現地での実地体験を目的とした留学
  8. 本学公認団体が本学学生支援課又はスポーツ支援課に申請し、海外で実施する課外活動
  • ※ 留学対象6・7について、「留学」が主目的であることを要するため、「留学」に行くことの証明書類を別途必要とする。証明書類が無い場合は、当保険に加入することはできない。
  • ※ 留学対象6・7・8について、留学期間の前後合わせて2週間以内に日本を出入国すること。






  • (a)業者のパッケージで留学する場合
    業者への申込書(写)。留学期間が明記されていること。申込書に留学期間の記載がない場合には、合わせてパンフ レット等、行程のわかる書類も添付すること。
  • (b)個人で手配する場合(留学先が学校の場合)
  • (c)個人で手配する場合(留学先が機関・個人の場合)

※ 上記書類が揃わない場合、「留学に行くこと」「留学期間」の確認ができないため、当保険の加入はできない。



保険プラン・保険料はパンフレット又は“Go Global”ポートフォリオで確認すること。

English Version

【Eligible Students】

Undergraduate and graduate students who participate in the following programs and activities are eligible to purchase the Study Abroad Insurance.

  1. Doshisha University student exchange programs under university-level agreements
  2. Doshisha University student exchange programs under faculty / graduate school-level agreements
  3. Doshisha University summer / spring / semester programs
  4. Doshisha University study abroad programs for credit-bearing courses that are eligible for the Doshisha University Scholarship
  5. Doshisha University study abroad programs for credit-bearing courses that are not eligible for the Doshisha University Scholarship
  6. Self-arranged study abroad programs at language schools, colleges or universities (including those whose enrollment status is “leave of absence”)
  7. Self-arranged study abroad programs for hands-on experience, such as internships, working holiday, or volunteer activities
  8. Extra-curricular activities that are organized by Doshisha University official student clubs or circles and are notified to the Department of Student Support Services or the Department of Students Sports Support.
  • ※ For those who fall under 6 and 7
    You need to submit a certificate stating that the purpose of the program / activity is “study abroad.” Please be advised that the Study Abroad Insurance cannot be purchased without the certificate.
  • ※ For those who fall under 6, 7 and 8
    The total number of days should not exceed 14 from your departure date to the starting date of the program /activity and from the final date of the program / activity to your arrival date.

【How to Apply】

For those who fall under 1 and 2
Please submit the Application Form #1 to Doshisha Enterprise. (Follow the Instruction #1.)

For those who fall under 3 and 4
No individual application is required since Doshisha University will apply for the Study Abroad Insurance on your behalf.

For those who fall under 5
Please submit the Application Form #2 to Doshisha Enterprise. (Follow the Instruction #2.)

For those who fall under 6 and 7
Please submit the Application Form #2 to Doshisha Enterprise with one of the following documents. (Follow the Instruction #2.)

  • (a)In case of agency-arranged study abroad programs
    Please attach one photocopy of your application form submitted to the agency. If the period of the program is not included in the application form, an additional document indicating the period of the program, such as a brochure or an itinerary, should be attached
  • (b)In case of self-arranged study abroad programs at language schools, colleges or universities
    Please attach one photocopy of your letter of acceptance including the period of the program. If there is more than one letter of acceptance, you need to submit all of them.
  • (c)In case of self-arranged study abroad programs at organizations, companies or under individual supervisors
    Please attach one photocopy of your letter of acceptance including the period of the program. If there is more than one letter of acceptance, you need to submit all of them.

※ Please be advised that the Study Abroad Insurance cannot be purchased without the above-mentioned documents.

For those who fall under 8
Please submit the Application Form #2 to Doshisha Enterprise with “遠征届” submitted to the Department of Student Support Services or the Department of Students Sports Support.


For further information, please access https://sso.doshisha.ac.jp/ ("Go Global" Portfolio).



